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The Des Moines Register Endorsement Of Hillary Is Close To Meaningless

    The Des Moines Register has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.
    Big deal.
    For 364 days of the year, everyone discusses how newspapers are losing their readership and influence. On the 365th, we’re supposed to believe that newspaper endorsements move voters.
    How important is the Register endorsement? Well, even including eras when the Internet didn’t threaten newspapers, in 2004, the Register endorsed John Edwards; in 2000, Bill Bradley; in 1992, no one, and in 1988, Paul Simon. None won Iowa; none won the nomination.
    Hillary probably shouldn’t start writing her victory night speech quite yet.
    On the Republican side, both the Register and the Boston Globe (which endorsed Barack Obama for the Democrats), endorsed John McCain. Given what Republicans think of those papers in both regions, that’s probably more of a minus for McCain than a plus.

  • Peter Luster said:

    This was a good "get" for the Clinton camp. I am not sure if newspaper endorsements are as influential as they use to be- But the Clinton camp should be happy about this. On a side not, I find it interesting that they picked John McCain in the republican side- this picks represent the status quo in my opinion in terms of the word "change" which has been used alot during this political season.

    Checkout this column.... //

    Peter Luster

    Columnist (freelance)

    December 16, 2007 1:44 PM
  • LorenzoJennifer said:

    Newspaper endorsements have seen their reach and power diminish over the decades.  Yet, they still provide a "Good (White)House Keeping Seal of Approval" (Sorry!)  The Des Moines Register endorsement, with all respect, may indeed be a big deal in Iowa.  Hillary's endorsement may be waved as a banner over a battlefield, drawing attention toward  her strengths and away from her opponents and negative campaign news. The Register narrated her life story in endorsing her on the bases of experience and lifetime commitment to making changes happen. Obama's "relative inexperience" is noted. Additionally, while Barack inspires "imagination," Hillary inspires "confidence."

    The McCain endorsement is quite surprising as the Des Moines Register flat-out states they disagree with him on many issues! Nonetheless, they've endorsed a candidate who "inspir(es) confidence" as he makes decisions "based on principle." John "sticks to his beliefs in the face of opposition," and "Americans know what they're getting."

    December 17, 2007 7:04 PM

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